Before I wrote my last Thankful Thursday post, I knew just what my next thankful post would be about. Before I posted my last Thankful Thursday post, I got messages from some of my readers saying they are looking forward to my post, and there and then, I knew I must be doing something right.Β I get random messages at times that couldn’t be more timely, testimonies if you may, of how my writing is an inspiration and y’all keep cheering me on!Β 

So today I’m thankful, for every one of you who takes out time to click on the link in my broadcasts and stuff, you taking time to read my posts, generously reply, and y’all just keep encouraging me, it means a whole lot to me and I’m truly grateful.

Now espeacially to one of my faithful readers, beautiful TemTem, who is also a like-minded writer, today happens to be her birthday (HAPPY GLORIOUS AMAZING FANTABULOUS BIRTHDAY BOOSKIE πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽŠπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ)Β and she wrote an amazing writeup which got me so giddy and full of joy as I read it. After reading I instantly wanted to reblog it, but it appears blogspot is not exactly in a romance with wordpress, so I got y’all here a link, to read and be blessed. Read to the very end trust me, if something in u isn’t changed, throw something at me, lol, but please let it be something soft, lol. Okay lemme leave you to continue a great read!Β

Thanks again for always keeping me company here😘


Published by rema β˜†

β€’ rhed β€’ Beloved Disciple β€’ Servant Leader β€’ Brown Girl Writer β€’ Nappy Crown β€’ The Traveler’s Wife

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  1. Honey!!! Thank youuuuu! I’d say a thousand time again, you inspired me to pick up blog again, and with it came the thirst to love God even deeper! In a way you inspired this post. I have been looking forward to your post today, I also knew since last week what my Thankful Thursday was all about, not for the gift of life (that’s everyday) but for having met you way back, even when we lost touch, I am thankful to God for making you an instrument to bless me and countless people! God bless you and your ministry. 😘😘😘😘

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    1. WOW!!! *Tears in my eyes* I am privilleged and honored to be in this position Tee. And your posts always remind me afresh how rewarding a personal relationship with God and the Holy spirit is! Thank you boo❀

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