How beautiful is your mind?

I believe that the state of our mind affects how our life is lived, to a large extent. If your mind is lazy, your life will record zero percent productivity. If your mind is idle, the enemy will give you mind options that even you will not be pleased about- you’d give in to the …

We Will Rise Above!

Yesterday night riding home after a very long and busy yet exciting day for my family, I was making some financial calculations in my mind. It’s annoying how one still has to spend so much on certain things such as fuel for the gen, because NEPA has gone on a break. And naturally it’s easy …

Overcoming My Greatest Fear

If someone had asked me about 5/6 years ago what my greatest fear was, I’d readily answer “Growing old”. Lol yes! I was terribly scared of the thought of growing old. I knew I wanted to live long, but I didn’t want to think of myself in my “grays”, the thought just terrified me. That’s …


…for Dreamers, who remember to Stay Awake. Who remember to Chase. Because world changers are the ones who never bat an eyelid. Who never relent. They push and ‘Just Do It’ because they know in the journey for which they are called to run, every moment counts.And so, their hands are Working hands, their minds …

When you make resolutions, don’t forget them✏

Today is my birthday and I choose Joy! 💃💃💃 Many are blessed with the gift of “natural drive”. They remember the agendas on their to-do list even without looking at the list, they have a brilliant idea and they instantly run with it, they can successfully handle 100 agendas at a go, the level of …

About Believing. . .

“Last minute miracles” and the likes. Have you ever had to wait, and wait, and wait, then rush to look out the window to check if your miracle has arrived, and then, wait some more? (Halla at me if you haven’t had to, I’d love to hear your narrative 😒) So this post is about …

When the rain won’t stop 💧⚡☔

Rain. . . This season always gives me the chills; Paula can relate. If it starts to rain and I’m out of the house, my thougts begin to do a fast reverse; “Did I leave my clothes out on the line? Are my windows open? Is rain entering my room? Do I own an umbrella? …

Praise Break

Written BY Paul Chisom. Every time I  hear the word “Praise”, I get really excited. Many preachers have preached great sermons and teachers have expounded the topic of praise birthing forth rhema as inspired by the Holyspirit, but the power in praise is inexhaustible. The human mind can only catch a glimpse of what happens …

Why I Failed

Written BY Paul Chisom. I really want to thank God, not just on my behalf but on yours too. If you live in a metropolitan city like Lagos, where everyone seems to be in a hurry at the same time, you’ll appreciate every moment that helps you put things in perspective. I had this #jointgist …

Learning To Rest

I know it can be a bit difficult to resist the temptation to worry. I’ve been there one too many times. Talking about all the things that aren’t just right can sometimes feel liberating right? But in truth it only makes the burden a load more heavier. Each day appears to be ladden with a …